Wednesday, June 5, 2019

How To Heal From Painful Memories

How Jesus helped Peter get over a bad memory
Peter had a sad memory associated with a "fire of coals" because it was while he was warming himself in front of one that he had denied Jesus three times (see John 18:15-18, 25-26). In John 21, Jesus did something to help Peter get over his sad memory.

The 21st chapter of John begins with Peter going back to his old fishing job with his friends and when they had failed at catching any fish, Jesus appeared to them from the shore, and repeated the fishing miracle that He had done in the past. After realizing that this was Jesus, Peter swims back to shore while the other disciples bring over the boat of fish.

When they all arrived back to shore, they saw a "fire of coals" and fish already cooking on it. They bring over their 153 fish at Jesus' request and they're invited them to eat with him. Jesus asks Peter three times, "Do you love me?". Peter replied "yes" each time and Jesus replied back each time, reminding Peter of his mission: "Feed My sheep". After the third time, Jesus predicted how Peter would die and said "Follow Me". Peter asked about the other disciple with him and Jesus basically said to mind his own business and again reminded him "Follow Me".

How to be healed from painful memories: 
Have you ever felt so discouraged by a negative experience that you felt like you just couldn't go on any longer in your walk with God? From this story you can see God can help you relive the good memories you've had with Him. Perhaps you're new in your walk with God and you don't have enough good memories to work with. And perhaps certain things, like Peter's "fire of coals," trigger bad memories. Perhaps your "fire of coals" is your church and someone did something there to hurt you?

Cheer up my friend, Jesus can give you new positive memories around the same or a similar looking "fire of coals" to help heal you from your painful memories of the past. God promises healing to those who live to serve others (Isaiah 58:6-8). Just like Jesus told Peter, "Feed My Sheep", He's calling you to help others in need, point them to Jesus, and encourage them to do the same for others as well. You can put your painful memories to rest by praying to God to show you at least one soul that you can be a blessing to.

How to experience God's forgiveness in your heart for others
Do you struggle letting go of a hurt caused by others, especially by those who've never apologized? Look to the cross, Jesus forgave others even while they were crucifying Him (Luke 23:34). Forgiveness doesn't require liking what others have done, it only requires that you don't hold any hard feelings against them. Also remember that Jesus bore your sins as well as the sins of others (1 Peter 2:24). Also remember that experiencing repentance and forgiveness in your heart is a gift from God (Acts 5:31). If you withhold the gift of forgiveness from others, you also withhold it from yourself (Matthew 6:15). Experience the healing of forgiveness that comes from confessing your own faults and lifting each other up in prayer (James 5:16).

Keep Jesus In View and Follow Him
Don't get caught up in the blame game, it's unhealthy and unnecessary because it takes our eyes off Jesus who died to pay for both your sins and the sins of everyone else (1 Peter 2:24). The solution to the sin problem is found, not by dwelling on the sin, but by beholding Jesus (John 1:29). It is the Holy Spirit's work to transform our characters as we behold Jesus. (2 Corinthians 3:18). God's Spirit will point you to Jesus, the solution to the sin problem (John 16:7-10). God's Spirit glorifies Jesus and if Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all people to Himself (John 16:13-14, John 12:32). As you pray for others, keep self hidden and let Jesus be seen.

Keep your eyes on what Jesus has done for you, is doing, and wants to do in your life. Do you find yourself distracted by comparing yourself to others? Like Jesus said to Peter, He says to you, "What is that to you? Follow Me". Jesus never promised that following Him would be easy, but He promised "Lo, I am with you always". The "seas" of your life may seem to rage around you, but it doesn't have to rage in your heart. As long as you keep your eyes on Jesus, you'll be able to walk above it. Let Jesus speak "Peace, Be Still" to your soul today. Set the Lord always before you and you shall not be moved or swayed by the things the enemy tries to throw at you.

Hope In God, Trust In What He Will Do, and Move Forward
Whatever you've been through, it will shrink into insignificance compared to eternity spent with Him, so begin spending time with Jesus now and start making better memories (see Romans 8:18). The Lord is telling you today, "Behold, I will do a new thing" Isaiah 43:19. "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

Just like how God told ancient Israel to "go forward" in spite of obstacles, He's telling you to move on. Don't fear the storm, God promised "I will be with you". Though you may feel paralyzed with anxiety, Christ's command "Rise up and walk" is sufficient to enable you. If you wait until the circumstances are more convenient to follow Jesus, you'll never do it. Today is the day of your salvation, trust Jesus a hundred percent with your life today.

"Leave everything in God's hands and you'll see God's hands in everything" - Unknown

Relevant quote:
Do not bring the disagreeable things of the past into your present life. Testify that life with Christ is no failure.... Dismiss Satan, walk with Jesus, and be complete in Him. Never, never give Satan the satisfaction of taunting you or others that our faith is a deception, a delusion. UL 314

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